DustBoss Makes Nozzle Maintenance Easier

Quick Release Manifold Bracket

> Developed in response to customer request to minimize downtime and worker exposure to harsh conditions when removing nozzles for cleaning.

> Allows easy removal of the entire manifold, as opposed to removing each nozzle separately from the DustBoss itself.

> Manifold can then be replaced with another while the nozzles are cleaned at your convenience.

The new quick release manifold bracket is engineered to limit worker exposure to harsh service environments and potential safety hazards, while minimizing process downtime.

Designed to fit all fan-driven models of DustBoss atomized mist dust suppression equipment, the new bracket design allows removal and replacement of the manifold in about five minutes, with no tools required.

The stainless steel bracket and pin mounting system secures the manifold in position, allowing maintenance personnel to remove and replace it quickly for routine cleaning or other service.

Quick Release Manifold for Fast Dust Control Maintenance

Initially developed in response to customer request for use in harsh service conditions to reduce potential risk to employees, the design is expected to find utility among any customers wanting to avoid work stoppages and maximize process time.

The nozzles are a key element to atomized mist technology and cleaning the nozzles is one of the few maintenance items on the DustBoss. Every water source contains minerals and other dissolved solids that will eventually build up and interfere with the droplet production.

To avoid downtime, some customers purchase a spare set of nozzles to replace the dirty ones while they are being cleaned. In some industries, that required a worker to shut down a machine and spend 15 to 30 minutes in hostile conditions to remove and replace nozzles for cleaning.

Customers have used wire brushes, lime-dissolving products and even sonic cleaners to remove build-up. Some choose to have a spare manifold on hand for each DustBoss machine, while others stock just one to swap when needed.

The new bracket can be retrofitted to any of the existing fan-driven designs. Customers can order one mounting kit to fit DustBoss models DB-45, DB-60 or DB-100. The smaller DB-30 incorporates a different stud size and pattern, requiring its own mounting kit. Both kits feature the pin mounting system with no-tool removal. The specially-designed pin is permanently affixed to a lanyard. The simple design allows for easy execution, even in heavy protective gloves.

Quick Release Manifold for Fast Dust Control Maintenance

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